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Discover a New Season of Identity, Purpose, and Belonging

Happy new season! I want to share a deeply held belief with you: this is going to be a great season for your life and your business. What if you believed me? What if it were true? Imagine how you would think, feel, act, and the results you could create—not just for yourself, but for others as well.

Whether you’re a coach, entrepreneur, side hustler, or someone juggling life, faith, and work, you deserve encouragement, resources, and support. You deserve the truth about who you are, what you’re called to, and what you’re capable of.

Let’s dive into the heart of it: identity, purpose, and belonging. These are three things every human longs for, and here’s the good news—they’re already within you, woven into the fabric of your being since the foundation of the world.

This season is an invitation to peel back the layers, ask the right questions, and uncover the truth about who you are. It requires courage, but here’s what I know: you are capable of this work.

If you’ve ever felt disconnected from your identity, purpose, or belonging—like they’re fleeting or out of reach—let me assure you, they’re not. It’s a shift in perspective, a choice to say, “What if this is possible for me?”

What would change in your life if you truly believed you were created with purpose and belonging?

Walking in the Truth of Who You Are

Transformation begins with ownership—taking responsibility for your story without shame or regret. Right where you are today is exactly where your journey starts. You are worthy of love, growth, and hope.

Let go of self-judgment, the fear of rejection, and worry about others’ opinions. Embrace the belief that you are worth the investment. Imagine stepping into your potential and becoming someone you truly love to be.

This isn’t just for you; it’s for those around you. When you transform, you inspire transformation in others.

Partnering With God in This Season

Romans 12:2 TPT says, “Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. And this will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”

This is about aligning your soul with the Spirit within you. It’s about stepping into God’s will for your life and walking in who He sees you becoming. No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, God’s love is constant. His banner over you is love.

You are not an orphan; you are a son or a daughter. God is not a taskmaster waiting to punish you for mistakes. Instead, He lovingly calls you toward Him, guiding you as you take action.

Taking Action: Moving From Vision to Reality

Imagine this: you’re sitting in a car, foot on the brake, waiting for an audible voice to tell you whether to turn left, right, or go straight. But what if you trusted that God is in the car with you? What if you put your foot on the gas and started moving, knowing He’ll guide you as you go?

It’s time to stop waiting for perfect clarity and take bold, courageous action. Trust that God is with you, aligning your steps to His purpose.

Your Identity and Purpose Are Multifaceted

You are not defined by a single role or calling. Your identity has many layers, and your purpose is not just one thing. Believing there’s only one “big purpose” for your life can lead to dissatisfaction.

Instead, recognize that your identity and purpose evolve with each season. Each thread of your life—whether as a parent, coach, leader, or friend—works together for a greater calling.

Shifting Your Paradigm

The beliefs you hold shape your thoughts, emotions, and actions. By aligning your core beliefs with truth, you can create the results you desire and leave a meaningful legacy.

Take time to reflect:

  • What do you desire in this season?

  • What has God placed in your heart?

  • What steps can you take to walk into these desires with intention?

Write these down. Clarity begins with identifying what’s within you and allowing it to surface.

Living With Joy and Intentionality

God’s love and favor are with you in this season. Even in the midst of challenges, you can choose joy and growth. Celebrate where you are and the transformation you’re experiencing.

Remember the storms you’ve come through and the ways God has carried you. Let His faithfulness in the past fuel your hope for the future.

A Final Blessing for This Season

I bless you to know the truth of who you are. To feel God’s presence upon your household, your business, your finances, and your relationships.

Step into adoption as a son or daughter, leaving behind fear and scarcity. Love yourself where you are, while embracing the transformation that lies ahead.

This journey will have both great and difficult moments, but how you perceive and respond to them will shape everything. By shifting your paradigm, you can influence your life and the world around you.

So, as you step into this season, embrace love, adoption, and truth. Experience the joy and favor of God on your life. Reflect on what you want for this season, revisit His promises, and take intentional steps toward growth and fulfillment.

Let this be a season of rising, partnering with God, and becoming all that He’s called you to be.

Reader challenge:

Reflect: Take 15 minutes to sit down with a pen and paper or your favorite notes app. Write out the following:

  • What do I desire in this season?

  • What has God already spoken over my life?

  • What promises or prophetic words have not yet come to pass?

  • Plan: Identify 1–3 actionable steps you can take this week to align with those desires and promises. Write them down and commit to following through.

  • Shift Your Paradigm: Each day this week, practice speaking this affirmation:"I am worthy of love, growth, and hope. I am stepping into this season with courage and intention."


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